Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat according to Gym Trainers

exercise to reduce belly fat

Nobody likes to have belly fat. It is really easy to gain but really hard to get rid of. In some people, the belly is the last place they lose fat from. Hence, it can be a tough grind to get rid of. However, with the right exercises and nutrition, you can say goodbye to belly fat. In this blog, we will be discussing various exercises to reduce belly fat. We will also show you how to do these exercises and their benefits.

20 Best Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

There are numerous exercises to reduce belly fat. You can do them at the gym or at home if you have the equipment available. A lot of these exercises are high-intensity, which means they require a lot of energy. Given below are the 20 best exercises to reduce belly fat.

  1. Sprawls
  2. Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slams
  3. Overhead Medicine Ball Slams
  4. Russian Twists
  5. Lateral Medicine Ball Slams
  6. Lifting Weight
  7. Aerobics
  8. Zumba
  9. Burpees
  10. Mountain Climbers
  11. Plank
  12. Running on Incline
  13. Brisk Walking
  14. HIIT Workout
  15. Turkish Get-up
  16. Strength Training
  17. Yoga
  18. High Knees Jumping
  19. Toe Touches
  20. Squat Jumping



Also known by the name of “Gorilla Burpe” it is a really tough belly fat burning exercise. This exercise is part of a martial art called Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It is also used by grapplers when they are shadow wrestling. 

Steps To Do Sprawls

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees and hips slightly bent.
  2. Make sure to keep the weight on the balls of your feet.
  3. Now place both of your hands on the floor close to your feet, as soon as you touch the floor extend both of your legs backward.
  4. Be in a plank position and make sure your shoulder, knees, and hips are aligned.
  5. Now make an explosive jump and then return to the starting position.

Benefits Of Doing Sprawls

Check out the benefits of this belly fat burning exercise. 

  • Sprawls are a great cardiovascular exercise, it requires energy to perform which can burn more calories in your body. This can help to burn belly fat.
  • Sprawls build explosive strength as it has explosive movements. It also helps in developing stamina and speed.
  • You can do this exercise to reduce belly fat at home as it does not require any special equipment. 

Do you know what else can help in losing belly fat? Vegetables! Check out these Vegetables for Weight Loss

Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slams

Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slams

This belly fat exercise is done with the help of a medicine ball. It requires you to slam the medicine ball on the floor on both sides. The high intensity of it makes it a good exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Steps To Do Side-to-Side Medicine Balls

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wide than your shoulders.
  2. Hold the medicine ball below your chest.
  3. Now hold the ball firmly and lift it above your head.
  4.  Slam the ball on the ride side of your body.
  5. Squat and pick up the ball and bring it to the starting position.
  6. Repeat the same process on the opposite side.

Benefits Of Doing Side-to-Side Medicine Balls

Here are the benefits of this belly fat burning exercise. 

  • The main muscle groups targeted by this belly fat exercise are the abs, middle back, lats, and obliques. 
  • This exercise to reduce belly fat can also help you to develop stronger glutes and quads as it requires squatting. 
  • Lastly, this exercise requires a lot of energy which can help in burning more calories and reducing belly fat.

Being in a calorie deficit plays a key role in losing belly fat as well. Check out this Calorie Deficit Diet

Overhead Medicine Ball Slams

Overhead Medicine Ball Slams


This is another variation of the medicine ball slam. It is a really effective exercise to reduce belly fat. It is also done with the help of a medicine ball. 

Steps to do Overhead Medince Ball  Slams

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees slightly, and hold the medicine ball directly over your head.
  2. Now slam the ball in front of you on the floor.
  3. Catch the ball after a bounce and bring it back to over your head. Repeat the same process for a couple of times.

Benefits of Doing Medicine Ball Slams

Check out the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • This is a great exercise to target your shoulders, back, and core.
  • It is a great exercise to reduce belly fat as well as it requires good amounts of energy to perform. 

Check out these Best Weight Loss Drinks you can have after breaking a sweat. 

Russian Twists

a man doing russian twist

This is not only a great belly fat exercise but also a great exercise to make your shoulders and core stronger. A really good exercise to reduce belly fat indeed. 

Steps To Do Russian Twists

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Sit on the floor and lift your legs and bend them slightly.
  2. Now lean back so that your torso and legs make a V shape. This will engage your core.
  3. Balance your body and keeps your legs stationary twist your torso from side to side. Make sure to breathe properly.
  4. A lot of wrestlers see this as the best exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Did you know fiber can help you to get rid of that belly fat as well? Here are some Foods Rich in Fiber

Benefits of Doing Russian Twists

Take a look at the benefits of this belly fat burning exercise. 

  • Russian twists are great belly fat burning exercises as they burn a lot of calories when you do them. 
  • If you want a stronger core then Russian twists are the right exercise for you as they help in making your abs and obliques stronger.

Lateral Medicine Ball Slams

This is yet another variation of the medicine balls slams. This is a great exercise to reduce belly fat as it requires high levels of energy which can help in burning more calories. 

Steps To Do Lateral Medicine Ball Slams

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  • Stand next to a wall with your right side facing it. Hold a medicine ball.
  • Now step out sideways and away from the wall. Make sure to keep your feet at shoulder width.
  • Bend your knee slightly and brace your core.
  • In one smooth motion, twist your body to the side relating the medicine ball towards the wall.
  • Catch the medicine ball as it comes back towards you and repeat the same process.

Benefits of Doing Lateral Medicine Ball Slams

Take a look at the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • This is a really good exercise to reduce belly fat and it also helps to make your shoulders, chest, and abs stronger. 
  • Since this exercise helps requires a lot of stamina and energy, it can help to burn more calories resulting in belly fat reduction.
  • This belly fat exercise is also good cardiovascular exercise. 

If you are just getting started with weight loss, make sure to follow this 7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Lifting Weight

Lifting weight is one of the best exercises you can do to reduce belly fat. When you lift weights your body burns a lot of calories.Hence, weighted exercise to reduce belly fat should definitely be a part of your routine. This combined with a calorie deficit can help reduce belly fat. There are a lot of weight training exercises you can do such as

  1. Squats
  2. Lunges
  3. Weighted jump squats and more.

We will be talking about how to do squats.

Steps To Do Squats

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Stand straight with your feet a little wide than your hips.
  2. Drive your hips back while bending at your knees and sit into a squat position.
  3. Make sure your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  4. Press into your heels and stand straight and repeat the same process.

Benefits Of Doing Squats

Here are the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • Squats are great for your lower body, it helps in building quad, glutes, and calves strength.
  • Weighted squats can be really strength-demanding which can help you to burn more calories and lose belly fat.
  • The good thing about this exercise to reduce belly fat is that you can do it anywhere without any equipment. 

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The word aerobic means oxygen. Aerobic exercises are great for your cardiovascular health. It also helps in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol in the body. One of the easiest aerobic exercises to reduce belly fat is jump rope. 

Steps To Do Jump Rope

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Stand straight with both feet in the middle of the rope.
  2. Now raise your hands at the levels of your armpits.
  3. Now using both hands spin the rope and jump.
  4. Do it for a few minutes, relax, and repeat.

Benefits of Jump Rope

  • Aerobic exercises are really good for the heart. It also helps lower the blood pressure in the body.
  • Jump rope is one of the most effective belly fat exercises as it requires a lot of stamina and energy which eventually burns more calories. 

Don’t let your efforts go to waste waiting for junk after skipping ropes. Calculate the calories in your food with a Food Calorie Calculator


Zumba was founded by Alberto Perez in 2001 in the United States. Since then it has gained popularity not only as a dance but also as a fitness routine. One can benefit from Zumba as it helps in improving cardiovascular health, balance, and agility. It is a real exercise to reduce belly fat to have in your arsenal. 

Steps To Do Zumba

Given below are the instructions for this belly fat exercise. 

You need to enroll in a Zumba class in order to know how to do Zumba. There are various types of Zumba classes such as Aqua Zumba, and Zumba Step.

Benefits of Doing Zumba

  • Zumba will definitely make you sweat. It is great for your cardiovascular health and also helps to make the body more agile. Hence, make sure to add this exercise to reduce belly fat into your daily exercises.
  • It requires a lot of energy to do which means you will be burning a lot of calories while doing it. Hence, it will help you to get rid of that belly fat.

Planning to eat something protein-rich after doing Zumba? Try out this Protein Calculator


Burpees are pretty well-known in the fitness world. It is basically a two-part exercise that consists of a pushup and then a leap in the air. It requires a lot of energy and stamina and is a great exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Steps To Do Burpees

Given below are this steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Stand straight and make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Now bend yourself into a squatting position by bending your hips and knees.
  3. Place your hands in front of you on the floor.
  4. Now kick back with both legs so that you end up in a plank position.
  5. Do a regular pushup.
  6. Press up with your arms and bring your feet forward.
  7. Stand straight and do a jump.

Benefits of Doing Burpees

Check out the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • Burpees is a high-intensity workout and requires a lot of energy and stamina which means more calories will be burned from the body. This makes it a really effective exercise to reduce belly fat.
  • Burpees target your lower as well as your upper body.
  • It is a cardiovascular exercise as well.

If Burpees don’t work for you then here is How to reduce belly fat

Mountain Climbers

These are also known by the name of running planks and are one of the most demanding exercises to do. This exercise tries to copy the movements of mountain climbers but in a plank position on the floor. It is a great belly fat burning exercise as it requires a lot of energy and stamina. 

Steps To Do Mountain Climbers

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. First, get into a plank position.
  2. Your hands should be about shoulder-width apart, your back should be flat, and your abs engaged.
  3. Pull your right knee into your chest.
  4. Now switch legs, pull one knee out, and bring the other one in.
  5. Now do this as fast as you can.

Health Benefits of Mountain Climbers

The health benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise are as follows.

  • Mountain climbers are a compound exercise, which means they target more than one muscle at once.
  • If you want better mobility then these are one of the best exercises for you.
  • This is a great exercise to reduce belly fat and is also really good for the heart as well. 


Planks are one of the best exercises for your core. There are different variations of a plank as well. Planks can be really challenging if you do them with added weights. This makes them a really good exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Steps To Do Plank

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. The first step would be to place your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Place your toes on the floor and make sure they are stable and then squeeze your glutes.
  3. Look at the same spot on the floor, this will help to neutralize the spine.
  4. Hold this position for as long as you can.

Benefits Of Doing Plank

Here are the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • Doing planks will give you better abdominal strength.
  • Planks can also help you to improve your core strength and stability.

Running on Incline

Incline running is more demanding and challenging than regular running. It is usually done on an incline treadmill. It is a really good belly fat exercise. 

Steps To Do Incline Running

  1. Make sure your do some warmup and stretching before running on an incline treadmill.
  2. Step on the incline treadmill and set the speed to low and walk for a few minutes.
  3. Gradually increase the speed and start running. You can also increase the incline for more intensity. This exercise to reduce belly fat will make sure to test your stamina and strength. 

Health Benefits of Incline Running

Check out the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  • Incline running is really demanding and if you are looking to lose some belly fat it is one of the best belly fat exercises. 
  • Running is really beneficial for cardiovascular health as well. It also helps in lowering high blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body.
  • High cholesterol levels? Try incline running! It is an awesome exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Brisk Walking

Brisk walking is a lot better than regular walking. It is a moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. People of all ages can do it and it does not require any special equipment as well.

Steps To Do Brisk Walking

  1. Brisk walking is similar to walking but at a slightly higher pace.

Health Benefits Of Brisk Walking

  • Brisk walking can prove to be good for your metabolism. It can also make your bones and joints stronger.
  • Any kind of exercise including brisk walking can be really beneficial for your mental health.

HIIT Workout

HIIT workout stands for high-intensity and interval training. It involves rounds and exercises that increase a person’s heart rate to almost 80% of their maximum heart rate. Then there are short periods that consist of low-intensity exercises and movements. A HIIT workout is a great exercise to reduce belly fat. 

How To Do HIIT Workout

Given below are the steps to do this belly fat exercise. 

  1. Do 30 seconds of side lunges then 15 seconds of slow marches in place.
  2. Now do 30 seconds of squats and 15 seconds of slow marches.
  3. Repeat the same

Benefits Of Doing HIIT Workout

  • HIIT workouts are great if you want to increase your stamina, strength, keep your heart healthy.
  • Since this exercise is intense, it can really help you to shed some fat from your belly as well. It is a great belly fat burning exercise. 

If you are planning to shed some weight from your waist then you must have exercise to reduce belly fat that are high intensity. 

Turkish Get-up

The Turkish get-up is an exercise that involves almost every muscle in the body. It is performed by holding a free weight over your head with one hand and standing up through a series of movements and patterns. It can be an effective exercise to reduce belly fat if you do it for higher repetitions and increase weight and intensity. 

How To Do Turkish GetUp

Here are the benefits of this belly fat reducing exercise. 

  1. Lie on yout back with a kettlebell in your right hand. Make sure it is in front of your right shoulder.
  2. Now bend your right leg and place the floor flat on the floor. Slowly extend your left leg and arm to the side, at about a 90-45 degree angle.
  3. Press the kettlebell up and rise using your left hand.

Benefits Of Doing The Turkish Get Up

  • Doing a Turkish get-up can engage a lot of muscles in the body such as the shoulders, back, triceps, and more.
  • Doing this exercise is really good for your core as it helps to improve it.
  • This exercise can also improve your muscle coordination.

Strength Training

Strength training is also known as resistance training. In simple words, you build more strength by adding more resistance to your movements and exercises. It can be really beneficial for the body as it can help with weight loss, increased strength, and muscle mass. Strength training is vast as it involves a lot of exercise and sports. One of which is deadlift. Hence, make sure to have this exercise to reduce belly fat in your routine. 

Steps To Do Deadlift

  1. The first step would be to prepare the barbell.
  2. Now stand close to the barbell with your shins close to it and your feet pointing slightly outwards.
  3. Sit back and grab the barbell. Make sure the grip the barbell properly.
  4. Now lift the barbell up with your back straight, and glutes engaged.

Benefits Of Deadlift

  • Deadlift builds lower body strength. It also improves glute strength as well.
  • It can help burn a lot of calories as well. If combined with a calorie deficit it can be a really good belly fat exercise. 


When it comes to exercise to reduce belly fat, yoga does not come to mind. However, there are certain poses that are really hard to do and can help you to burn some calories. Plank pose is one example. 

How To Do Plank Pose

  1. Lay flat on the ground with your face pointing to the floor.
  2. Now using both hands lift your body up, as if you were going to do a pushup.
  3. Engage your abs and hold this position for some time.

Benefits of Doing Plank Pose

  • The plank pose or Chaturanga Dandasana is a hard pose to do. It requires good abdominal strength.
  • If done with some weight and for a long enough duration it can help you to burn some significant amount of calories. Hence, it can prove to be an effective belly fat exercise. 

High Knees Jumping

High knee jumping is a very intense and energy-demanding exercise. It can help you to burn a lot of calories in a short span of time. It is a really good exercise to reduce belly fat. 

How To Do High Knees Jumping

  1. Stand straight and make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart.
  2. Look forward and open your chest.
  3. Bring your knees to your waist levels and slowly land on the balls of your feet.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Benefits Of Doing High Knees Jumping

  • If you want to lose some belly fat then this is a good belly fat exercise. It requires continuous movements at a continuous pace. 
  • It can help make our lower body stronger. It can also help improve balance and agility.
  • You can do this exercise to reduce belly fat at home. 


Biking helps you burn a lot of calories. It helps in improving stamina and also increases lower body strength. You can either use a bicycle at the gym to do biking or use a regular one. Intensive biking done at higher speeds and pace is a exercise to reduce belly fat.

How To Do Biking

  1. It is really to do biking. Just make sure to maintain a straight posture and engage your quads and calves.

Benefits Of Doing Biking

  • Biking requires a lot of energy and makes you burn a lot of calories. It can be really beneficial if you are trying to shed some weight, especially belly fat.
  • Biking also helps to improve lower body strength as you are constantly using your lower body.
  • It is great cardiovascular exercise as well. It can also help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body. It can be the best exercise to reduce belly fat for a lot of people. 

Squat Jumping

If you want stronger legs then squat jumping is a great exercise for you. it can be really beneficial for you if you want to lose some belly fat. It is a high-intensity workout and it is also a part of many HIIT workouts.

How To Do Squat Jumping

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly.
  2. Bend your knees and go into the squat position.
  3. Now propel the body up using your lower body.
  4. Descend using your legs and go into the squat position for another jump.

Benefits Of Squat Jumping

  • Just like a lot of the exercises on this list, this is a high-intensity workout as well. It is great for increasing stamina and strength. It can be the best exercise to reduce belly fat for a lot of people. 
  • It is really good for your heart as well because it is a good aerobic exercise.
  • The intensity and calorie-burning capacity of this workout makes it one of the best belly fat burning exercises. 

Which is the Best exercise to reduce Belly fat for Women?

The best exercise to reduce belly fat for women has to be aerobic exercise. Doing aerobic exercises increases your heart rate and you will be bringing a lot of calories doing it. If combined with a healthy diet one can see results pretty fast. Examples of some aerobic exercises are – running, swimming, biking, and more. 

Which is the Best exercise to reduce Belly fat for Men? 

The answer is Burpees. It is one of the most challenging and energy-demanding exercises. It is basically a compound exercise, meaning it has multiple exercises in it. This exercise targets various muscle groups as well. Also, it helps to burn a lot of calories which can be really effective in losing belly fat.

Best Belly Fat Burning Exercises at Home

Want to get rid of that belly fat at home? Try these belly fat exercises you can do at home. 


One of the best exercises to increase core strength and stability in the body. It is really challenging if done with added weights. It is a really good belly fat exercise. 


When it comes to energy and stamina-demanding exercises, burpees take the crown. It burns a lot of calories and can help you to get rid of that stubborn belly fat. You can also increase the intensity of burpees for better results. Hence, it is by far one of the best exercises to reduce belly fat.  For a lot of people, it is the best exercise to reduce belly fat. 

Mountain Climber

This exercise mimics the movements of a mountain climber but on the floor. It helps in improving the stability of the body and also improves core strength. It can help you to burn a lot of calories. It can be the best exercise to reduce belly fat for a lot of people. 

Squat Jumps

If you want stronger legs then squat jumping is a great exercise for you. it can be really beneficial for you if you want to lose some belly fat. It is a high-intensity workout and it is also a part of many HIIT workouts.

Benefits of Reducing Belly Fat

Losing some weight from your belly not only looks good but also makes you more healthy. Wonder how? Take a look.

Lower Risk Of Heart Disease

When you lose belly fat which is all fat you are reducing your chances of suffering from heart ailments such as coronary artery disease.

Lower Risk Of Diabetes

Health conditions like Type 2 Diabetes are chronic and once you get into the hold of it, it’s really hard to deal with. If your body fat percentage is high, the chances of you having Type 2 Diabetes will also be higher. Therefore, it is really essential to keep your body fat at healthy levels.

Lower Risk Of High Cholesterol

High cholesterol can wreak havoc on your health. It can block arteries to the heart which can lead to a heart attack. When you lose weight from the belly you are basically losing the bad fat stored in the body which can be really good for your health.

Better Health

It is something we all can agree with. Losing weight from the body can improve your overall health. It can make you feel better mentally and physically. Also, getting rid of that stubborn fat from your body can keep you at bay from various health conditions and add more years to your life.

Expert Review on Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat?

Belly fat can have a negative impact both on your health and confidence. Therefore, it is really necessary to keep it under control. There are various exercises you can do to burn belly fat such as burpees, squat jumps, planks, and more. These exercises not only help to reduce the stubborn fat in your body but also benefit your cardiovascular health.


How can I reduce my tummy in 7 days?

There isn’t any guarantee that you will lose weight in 7 days but you make the following changes in your lifestyle which may help you see some results:

  • Eat Healthy
  • Exercise
  • Sleep Well

Which exercise burns the most belly fat?

There are exercises that are really high-intensity and help to burn a lot of calories such as

  • Burpees
  • Squat Jumps
  • Mountain Climbers

How to lose tummy fat fast?

The best thing you can do to lose tummy fat is to eat in a calorie deficit and exercise more. Also, do not forget to add a belly fat burning exercise to your routine. 

How to lose belly fat in 7 days?

You cannot lose your belly in 7 days. However, you may see some results after eating healthy, exercising more, and doing exercise to reduce belly fat daily. 

How can I get a flat stomach?

To get a flat stomach make sure to eat in a calorie deficit, add a belly fat exercise to your routine, and sleep well.


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