
Rachana Srivastava

Dr. Rachana Srivastava is a scientist in DST WOS-B scheme, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health PGIMER. She was an Assistant Professor at Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, UIAHS and has also been a Member of (BOS) Board of Studies at Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and Department of Food Technology at the Chandigarh University. She is a subject matter specialist in the field of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity which was also the subject of the project she was a part of - ihealth L2D ( Lifestyle intervention to prevent Type 2 Diabetes amongst South Asians with central obesity and prediabetes). Dr. Rachana used to consult with Firstcry and work with National Dairy Research Institute and Indian Council of Medical Research, researching Impact of nutrition counselling on nutritional status of juvenile diabetics. Her experience also includes working with IGNOU and Max Healthcare.

Articles By The Author

Ways to Reduce Triglycerides

How to Reduce Triglycerides

You’ve probably heard about cholesterol and how high cholesterol levels can lead to a lot of health problems but have you also heard about high Triglycerides? Well, if not, they are a host to a lot of problems related to your heart! So let’s dig deeper into what are Triglycerides and how to reduce high …

How to Reduce Triglycerides Read More »

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