
Weight Loss Blogs

Hip Slimming Exercises

Hip Slimming Exercises

Ever wondered what it would be like to have those perfectly curved hips like Shakira’s and dance to her popular songs? For most of us, every time we hear her popular number Hips Don’t Lie being telecasted on television, we get into a zone where we see ourselves shaking our hips effortlessly like she does …

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Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet is a famous low-carb eating plan created during the 1960s by cardiologist Robert C. Atkins. The Atkins Diet limits carbs (starches) while stressing protein and fats. The diet has a few stages for weight reduction and maintenance, beginning with a low-carb eating plan. The Atkins Diet, officially called the Atkins Nutritional Approach, …

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Drinks for Weight Loss

Certain Beverages or Drinks might help you in Weight Loss, very effectively or efficiently. Beverages like green tea, coffee, and high-protein drinks have been shown to boost metabolism, promote fullness and decrease hunger, all of which may encourage weight loss. Here are 6 Drinks for weight loss, you must include them in your diet if …

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Seaweed And Weight Loss

Seaweed And Weight Loss

Seaweed contains a wide range of nutrients and minerals that are essential for the process of digestion. It includes iodine, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and nutrients C and B nutrients. Additionally, it contains nutrients that are not found in vegetables grown on land. This includes alginates, fucoidans, and laminarins, which have extraordinary health benefits. …

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Cocoa Powder

Benefits of Cocoa Powder

What is Cocoa Powder? Dry cocoa solids are the components of cocoa beans remaining after cocoa butter, the fat component, is extracted from chocolate liquor, roasted cocoa beans that have been ground into a liquid state. Cocoa butter is 50% to 57% of the weight of cocoa beans and gives chocolate its characteristic melting properties. …

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Oat and Quinoa

Oats and Quinoa

Oats and Quinoa come under the family of whole grains. Let’s talk about both these foods in detail and learn how it is beneficial in our daily lives. Oats and quinoa are well-known foods for breakfast meals. Both oats and quinoa are healthy and nutritious.   What are oats? Oatmeal is a type of porridge …

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14 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

14 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

“Superfoods” is a word for nutrient-rich ingredients which have major health benefits. Superfoods are superheroes for weight loss. Their fat-burning property is best and perfect for long-term and short-term weight loss. With their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, superfoods can take care of 90% of your health problems. Below are the 14 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss that …

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Black Bean Omelet

Black Bean Omelet

Black Bean Omelet, In this Mexican-inspired omelet, the black beans contribute protein, fiber, and slowly digested carbohydrates that keep the diner satisfied all morning long. More good nutrition news: This omelet provides two servings of vegetables, from black beans and avocado salsa. Here is the quick recipe for Black Bean Omelet: Servings: 4 servings | Calories: 262kcal Ingredients …

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Dangerous Weight Loss Diets

Dangerous Weight Loss Diets

Many can’t wait when it comes to lose weight. Usually, it takes time to lose weight. New trending diets can help people to lose weight too fast, which is why many find it tempting. Well, weight loss is a mixture of desire and habit-forming changes. Only when you shift your behavior can you gradually earn …

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pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds For Weight Loss

Pumpkin seeds are small, flat, oval shape seeds that come from pumpkin fruit and help with weight loss. They are rich sources of nutrients like fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and so on. They are crunchy, tasty, and good for metabolism. Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds- Pumpkin seeds are good sources of healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants …

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Digestive Health

Digestive Health

Healthier digestive health means a healthier you!  The human digestive system, digestive health, or gut health consists of the gastrointestinal tract plus the accessory organs of digestion (the tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). Digestion implies the breakdown of food into smaller and smaller components until they can be absorbed and assimilated into the …

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Gluten-Free Fish & Chips

Gluten-Free Fish & Chips

Do you love to have some fish with chips? Here you go! We have come up with a delicious Gluten-Free Fish & Chips recipe. This recipe is a perfect choice for your evening snack. Here fish is fried in batter and served with chips. The combination originated in England and is an all-time favorite for …

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Weight Gain and Obesity

Obesity or being overweight is one of the biggest health problems in the world. Weight gain is an increase in body weight. Also can be explained as, Increase in your body weight over existing weight.  Weight gain happens when you routinely eat more calories than you burn through normal bodily functions and physical activity. But …

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Turkey Stroganoff with Spaghetti Squash

Turkey Stroganoff with Spaghetti Squash

Stroganoff, often prepared in the United States today in restaurants and hotels, consists of strips of beef filet with a mushroom, onion, and sour cream sauce, and is served over rice or noodles. And Spaghetti squash is a fantastic healthy alternative to pasta. This combo of Turkey Stroganoff with spaghetti squash is an amazing choice. …

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Gluten-Free Lemon Drizzle Cake Recipe

Gluten-Free Lemon Drizzle Cake Recipe

Looking for a classic gluten-free bake? A gluten-free lemon drizzle cake recipe is right up there when it comes to absolutely classic bakes. This gluten-free lemon drizzle cake is intensely moist, lemony, and has a fine crumb. It’s a delicious everyday dessert that’s simple to make and delicious to eat. However, given how delicious it …

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Sheet-Pan Tilapia and Vegetable Medley

Sheet-Pan Tilapia and Vegetable Medley

A heart-healthy, one sheet-pan tilapia and vegetable medley ready in just 30 minutes. This Mexican-inspired meal is the perfect mid-week family feast. Filled with protein, fresh veggies, and a healthy dose of spice, this dish is a guaranteed winner with even the pickiest of eaters. Best of all? Washing up is a breeze. Sheet-pan tilapia …

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Best Foods For Acne

Best Foods For Acne

Approximately 20 percent of women struggle with acne well into their 20s and 30s, which can be induced by anything from stress to changes in hormones and more. Include these foods which are best to fight acne. Moreover, if you shake your skincare, you will need more than acne treatments to remove it, so it …

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Foods for weight loss


OMAD stands for One Meal a Day. The idea is to fast for 23 hours straight and then consume one large meal in a 60-minute window. Lately, OMAD has been gaining popularity, with people swearing it is a weight-loss method. Also, a way to tackle chronic disease and other health issues. This is the longest …

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Machines for Weight Loss

Weight loss is your goal and for that, you spend hours working out. Either you go to a gym or have a home gym. In either case, using the right equipment is very important.  Not all machines in the gym or fitness stores are beneficial for weight loss. There are a few specific machines that …

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Gluten-Free Foods In India

Gluten is a type of protein found in grains like wheat, rye, and barley which can irritate your gut and trigger allergic reactions. Individuals who cannot tolerate gluten, the protein found in wheat and other grains, must choose gluten-free grains and starches.  Below is a list of good foods that are gluten-free to help you …

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Why SHould Poeple WIth PCOS Avoid Gluten?

Why Should People With PCOS Avoid Gluten?

In the PCOS culture, gluten is a trending subject. Several social media sites advise avoiding it, alleging that it induces inflammation, interferes with hormones, and worsens Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. But what does the proof say? The fact is that there are lacunae in research outlining the connection between the two. Let’s learn more about why …

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Artichoke For Weight Loss

Artichoke For Weight Loss

A dieter’s delight is fibrous artichokes — low in fat and filled with fiber. Yet, most do not know how to utilize it. Many would-be its lovers shy away from this delicate, buttery-flavored vegetable. In reality, this food needs little preparatory work. The time-consuming phase is the eating process. That is why this strange vegetable …

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Dry Figs For Weight Loss

Dry Figs For Weight Loss

Dry Fig is a dry fruit known to be loaded up with basic nutrients and minerals. Containing characteristic sweet flavor, it is mainstream around the globe because of its health and excellent benefits. From ensuring protection against diabetes to improving skin health and bringing down blood pressure, it does it. Not just this, if you …

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Vegan Chilaquiles

Vegan Chilaquiles

Make these delicious Vegan Chilaquiles with spiced Chickpeas as your breakfast, brunch or lunch. It takes less than 30 minutes to make such an amazing dish. All you need is chickpeas, tortilla and red sauce as main ingredients. Chilaquiles is a traditional Mexican dish that contains fried tortilla pieces simmered in salsa or sauces of …

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yoga for weight loss

Yoga Mudras for Weight Loss

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India.  It has been practiced for centuries in Hindu and Buddhist cultures. Yoga has become a symbol of peace, wellness, and mindfulness today, finding new fans every day across the globe.  Yogis also discovered yoga mudras to be incredibly …

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Bananas: nutritional importance and health benefit

BANANAS NUTRITIONAL BENEFITS AND IMORTANCE Bananas nutritional benefit and importance are well known for its high nutritional value hence it comes first when we choose foods related to maintain diet. following are the health benefits  of bananas Bananas nutritional benefits in blood presure The  Heart Association of america  (AHA) encourage individuals to lower their intake …

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Bell Pepper

The Bell pepper also referred to as sweet pepper,  pepper capsicum and furthermore is that the fruit of plants within the Grossum cultivar group of the species Capsicum annum and .Bell peppers are usually green, yellow, orange and red. Also the commonest colours of Bell peppers are green, yellow, orange and red. Other colours include …

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Raspberries- Nutritional Importance And Health Benefits

Raspberries- Nutritional Importance And Health Benefits

Raspberries are the edible fruit of a plant species in the rose family. Raspberries are tiny, sweet fruit with a tart undertone. Their cheerful pop of color and delectable relish can make any ordinary meal feel special. And, each flimsy raspberry is stuffed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber.   This sweet fruit can be …

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Pumpkin- Nutritional Importance And Health Benefits

Pumpkin is a sort of winter squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It’s local to North America and particularly popular around Thanksgiving and Halloween. In the US, pumpkin is commonly known as  Cucurbita pepo, an orange type of winter squash. In other regions, such as Australia, pumpkin is just sorted any type of winter …

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Signs that you're dehydrated

Signs that you are dehydrated

Dehydration is something we experience from exercising, hot weather, or illness. People of all ages can get dehydrated. Let’s talk about what is dehydration, the causes and signs that you’re dehydrated, and what to do in order to avoid dehydration.   What is Dehydration? Dehydration happens when your body doesn’t have as much water as …

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How to lose belly fat

Weight Loss Guidelines

7 Weight Loss Guidelines    People are often advised to do all sorts of crazy things, most of which have no facts behind them. Numerous techniques can accelerate your weight loss goals. Since food equals calories, in order to lose weight you must either eat fewer calories, exercise more to burn off calories with activity, …

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