PCOD Diet Chart

Pcod Diet Chart

PCOD also known as (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition where the ovaries in a female body produce immature eggs. Over time these eggs turn into cysts, which makes them more prominent in size and they start to secrete male hormones also known as androgens which cause irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, hair loss, and weight gain. PCOD is a complex condition to deal with but can be controlled with the help of a pcod diet chart.

PCOS and PCOD may sound similar but they are both a bit different from each other. In PCOD the ovaries release immature eggs which cause hormonal imbalance in the body. While in PCOS the the ovaries produce excess androgen which makes the eggs more prone to turning into cysts which build up in the ovaries.

This blog will tell you all you need to know about PCOD and PCOS. It will also tell you about the food items you can add to your pcod and pcos diet chart which will help you to manage the condition.

What Is a PCOD Diet?

If you are suffering from PCOD then there are certain foods that can be really beneficial for you because they can help you to manage the condition. Here are the types of food you should add to your pcod diet chart.

1. Low-GI Foods

low gi foods

People who suffer from PCOD experience insulin resistance of high insulin in their bodies which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Consumption of Low-GI foods can help with this issue. Foods that have a low glycemic index do not spike your blood sugar or insulin levels and get absorbed into the bloodstream slowly. Foods such as leafy greens, whole grains, legumes, and nuts should be a part of your pcod diet chart if you are suffering from PCOD. To know more about pcos you can read our pcos blogs

2. Anti-inflammatory foods

anti-inflammatory foods

One can also experience inflammation in the body when suffering from PCOD. Therefore, adding anti-inflammatory foods such as fatty fish, green tea, and mushrooms to your pcod diet chart can help you manage the condition.

How a PCOS Plan Can Help You

Women who suffer from PCOS are more likely to develop certain health issues like Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and problems with the heart vessels. Treating PCOS early can help you avoid further complications and improve your quality of life. Therefore, the best solution is to get in touch with a nutritionist who can help you with their expert advice. buy pcos plans

7 Days PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss

Managing PCOD can be really tough and therefore adding the right foods in a pcod diet chart can make a lot of difference. Given below is the 7-day pcod diet chart for weight loss.

Days Breakfast Lunch Snack Dinner
Day 1 Stuffed Besan Cheela Paneer Tikka with Veg Salad Tea and Makahans Multigrain Roti with Sarso ka Sag
Day 2 Sprouts Cheela Soyabean Curry with Roti Tea and Makahans Vegetable Quinoa
Day 3 Poha with Curd Brown Rice, Mix Dal, VegSalad Tea  and Makahans Shahi Paneer with Brown Rice
Day 4 Quinoa Sprouts Upma with Curd Soybean Lentil Bhurji with Roti Tea with Makhanas Methi Paratha with Cucumber Raita
Day 5 Ragi Dosa, Sambhar, Buttermilk Mix Dal, Rice, Curd, and Salad Tea with Makhanas Vegetable Quinoa
Day 6 Sprouts Cheela Soyabean Curry, Multigtrain Roti Tea with Makahanas Vegetable Quinoa
Day 7 Stuffed Besan Cheela Paneer Tikka, Vegetable Salad Tea with Makhanas Sarso ka Saag with Multigrain Roti

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 1

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 1
Breakfast Stuffed Besan Cheela
Lunch Vegetable Salad with Paneer Tikka
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Multigrain Chapati and Sarso Ka Saag

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 1


Stuffed Besan Cheela

Besan cheela has a low glycemic index so it won’t spike your blood sugar and insulin levels. It also has good amounts of fiber in it. It is made out of gram flour which is anti-inflammatory. You can add this to your pcod diet chart for best results. There are a lot of pcos products that can also help you to manage the condition a lot better. 


Vegetable Salad with Paneer Tikka

Vegetable salad should be a part of every pcod diet chart as it is really good for blood sugar levels and contains many essential vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also have many anti-inflammatory properties which can be really beneficial to manage pcod or pcos.


Tea with Makhana

Makhanas are low in calories and have anti-inflammatory properties which are really beneficial to deal with pcod. Therefore, it should be a part of your pcod diet chart for weight loss.


Multigrain Chapati and Sarso Ka Saag

Multigrain chapati digest slowly unlike refined grains. This does not cause any spike in the blood sugar levels. Since people suffering from pcod and pcos can have insulin-related issues, adding this meal to your pcod diet chart can help deal with the issue.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 2

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 2
Breakfast Sprouts Cheela
Lunch Multigrain Chapati With Soybean Curry
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Vegetable Quinoa

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 2


Sprouts Cheela

Sprouts can be a great addition to your pcod diet chart for weight loss and there is a reason for it. They have a low glycemic index which is great for controlling pcod.


Multigrain Chapati With Soybean Curry

You can add this meal to your pcod diet chart because of its nutritional value. Multigrain chapati is a great source of complex carbs and soybean is high in protein and low in fat.


Tea with Makhana

Tea provides the body with energy and makhana has anti-inflammatory properties which is really helpful to deal with pcod. You can add this snack to your pcod diet chart.


Vegetable Quinoa

Vegetables such as kale and spinach are anti-inflammatory in nature and also contain tons of vitamins and minerals. Vegetable quinoa is low in calories and also has a low GI which makes it a perfect meal to be added to a pcod diet chart for weight loss.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 3

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 3
Breakfast Poha with Curd
Lunch Mix Dal, Rice with Salad
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Shahi Paneer with Brown Rice

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 3


Poha with Curd

Poha is made with flattened rice and is widely consumed in India as a low-carb food option. Curd on the other hand contains Vitamin D and keeps your gut healthy.


Mix Dal, Rice with Salad

Dal made from various legumes has good amounts of protein in it. You can also opt for brown rice here which has a low glycemic index compared to white rice. Salad on the other hand is a rich source of fiber and contains many essential vitamins and minerals. You can add various leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and broccoli to your pcod diet chart for weight loss.


Tea with Makhana

Choosing healthy snacks can help you manage your pcod a lot better.  Having makhanas can help keep your liver healthy by detoxifying it and can also boost your body’s metabolism which is crucial for losing weight.


Shahi Paneer with Brown Rice

Both Panner and brown rice have a low GI, which means you won’t suffer from elevated blood sugar levels after eating them. Having low GI foods in your pcod diet chart can help you to manage the condition better.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 4

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 4
Breakfast Quinoa Sprouts Upma with Curd
Lunch Chapati with Soyabean Lentil Bhurji
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Methi Paratha and Cucumber Raita

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 4


Quinoa Sprouts Upma with Curd

Quinoa can be really beneficial for PCOD as it contains many vitamins and minerals like zinc, magnesium, and calcium. It also contains antioxidants and good amounts of fiber which can help to regulate blood sugar levels.


Chapati with Soyabean Lentil Bhurji

Soybean is made out of defatted soy flour, which means it has almost no fat in it. Lentils on the other hand are a great source of protein. You can add this meal to your pcod diet chart for weight loss.  to get the best results.


Tea with Makhana

Tea has caffeine in it which help to boost the mood. Makahans are low in calories and can help you to lose weight. You can also add makhanas to your pcod diet chart to get good amounts of antioxidants in the body.


Methi Paratha and Cucumber Raita

Methi helps to improve insulin sensitivity in the body. Women who suffer from pcod have issues with insulin sensitivity in the body. Adding a methi paratha to your pcod diet chart can help you deal with this issue.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 5

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 5
Breakfast Ragi Dosa, Sambhar and Butter Milk
Lunch Mix Dal, Rice, and Salad
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Vegetable Quinoa

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 5


Ragi Dosa, Sambhar and Butter Milk

In PCOD and PCOS women suffer from cramps during their periods. Having ragi can help prevent cramps. Buttermilk helps to boost immunity in the body and also lowers blood pressure, a great meal to add to a pcod diet chart.


Mix Dal, Rice, and Salad

Mix dal is made with various legumes which offer a lot of nutrients to the body. Salad on the other hand can help improve digestion and aid in weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight then adding salads to your pcod diet chart is the way to go!


Tea with Makhana

Makahans are really low in calories which makes it a great snack for PCOD. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which can really help if you have PCOD.


Vegetable Quinoa

If you have a pcod diet chart then it should have a lot of vegetables in it. Mainly because vegetables are some of the most nutrient-dense foods out there. They also have good amounts of fiber in them which can help in weight loss.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 6

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 6
Breakfast Sprouts Cheela
Lunch Multigrain Chapati and Soybean Curry
Snack Tea with Makahana
Dinner Vegetable Quinoa

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 6


Sprouts Cheela

Cheelas are made out of gram flour which is really high in fiber and also has various anti-inflammatory properties. Sprouts on the other hand are low in calories and can help with weight loss. Adding this meal to your pcod diet chart can give you good results.


Multigrain Chapati and Soybean Curry

Chapati made out of multigrain contains complex carbs which are a lot better than refined carbs. Soybeans have almost no fat and contain good amounts of protein.


Tea with Makahana

Makahans are really good for heart health and also help to detoxify the liver. You can add this great snack to your pcod diet chart for the best results.


Vegetable Quinoa

Quinoa is really nutrient dense. It contains fiber which can help you to lose weight and also regulate blood sugar levels. It is low in calories and women suffering from PCOD can easily add it to their pcod diet chart.

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 7

PCOD Diet Chart For Weight Loss – Day 7
Breakfast Stuffed Besan Cheela
Lunch Paneer Tikka, Vegetable Salad
Snack Tea with Makhana
Dinner Mulitgrain Chapati, Sarso Ka Saag

Given below are the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner options for day 7


Stuffed Besan Cheela

Besan cheela is made out of besan which is high in fiber and also has anti-inflammatory properties. This can help women suffering from PCOD.


Paneer Tikka, Vegetable Salad

Paneer has a low GI which means it won’t raise your blood sugar levels and vegetables have tons of fiber in them which helps with digestion. This meal is not only delicious but also offers a lot of health benefits and should be added to your pcod diet chart.


Tea with Makhana

You can makhanas as a snack to your pcod diet chart to keep your heart and liver healthy. Not only this, but it also helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body.


Mulitgrain Chapati, Sarso Ka Saag

To keep your blood sugar levels stable during PCOD you can add multi-grain chapati to your pcod diet chart. Having saag is also beneficial as it has anti-inflammatory properties and can improve heart health.

Foods You Can Consume In Diet Plan For PCOS

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects a woman’s ovaries. It causes irregular periods, excess androgen in the body, and the development of cysts in the ovaries. PCOS can be really hard but you can manage it with the help of the right foods and other lifestyle changes. Let’s have a look at some foods you can add to your pcos diet chart.

1. Cereals

2. Pulses

3. Fresh Vegetables

4. Fruits

5. Low-Fat Milk

Let’s talk about these foods in detail

1. Healthy Cereals

healthy cereal

Cereals are one of the most consumed breakfast meals around the globe. It is easy to make and is really convenient to have. However, the regular cereals you see in the market are filled with sugar and unwanted chemicals.

If you are suffering from PCOS then your aim should be to buy cereals that are made out of whole grains and also have some amounts of protein and fiber in them. This will keep you full for a long time and reduce your appetite which will eventually help you to lose weight. You can also make healthy cereal at home and add it to your pcos diet chart. Read about pcos success stories

2. Pulses


Pulses are some of the most nutrient-dense foods out there. They are packed with fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals which can help reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Pulses should be a part of your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight for sure. 

The fiber present in pulses can help to regulate blood sugar levels in women suffering from PCOS. This is because pulses have a low GI which helps to deal with insulin resistance in the body which is one of the main problems in PCOS. Here are some healthy pulses you can have in your pcos diet plan to lose weight:

Some healthy Pulses include

  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Mung Beans
  • Pinto Beans
  • Black Eyed Peas
  • Chickpeas

3. Fresh Vegetables

Fresh vegetables

If you are suffering from PCOS then you should have vegetables in your pcos diet chart no matter what and there is a reason for it. Vegetables are one of the most nutrient-dense foods and are great for a pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

Vegetables such as kale, spinach, and lettuce have anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce some symptoms of PCOS. Here is a list of vegetables you can add to your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight:

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Arugula
  • Brocolli
  • Mushrooms
  • Broccoli

4. Fruits


Fruits are not only delicious but are also home to many essential vitamins and minerals which help the body in a variety of ways. The orange you eat once in a while contains Vitamin C which is really important for immunity. Therefore having fruits in your pcos diet chart is a must.

There are many fruits that have a low GI, which means they do not affect your blood sugar levels which is one of the many issues women suffering from PCOS face. Here is a list of fruits you can add to your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight:

  • Red Grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Melon
  • Papaya

5. Low-Fat Milk

low fat milk

Women suffering from PCOS are often told to avoid milk as it impacts their insulin levels. Milk is also considered a carbohydrate due to the presence of lactose in it. There isn’t much evidence to show if milk is good or bad for pcos. Therefore, consult a doctor before adding milk to your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight.

Foods To Avoid In Diet Plan for PCOS

So now that you are aware of what food to eat in PCOS, let’s not take a look at the foods that should never be a part of your pcos diet chart. If you want to beat PCOS then make sure you are extra cautious before eating these foods.

1. Alcohol

2. Fried Foods

3. Caffeinated Drinks

4. Processed Meat

5. Unhealthy Fats

6. Foods high in salt and sugar

1. Alcohol


If you are suffering from pcos then you should avoid alcohol or only consume it in moderation. In PCOS women already suffer from mood swings and irritability and consuming alcohol can make things worse.

Alcohol in most cases interferes with insulin in the body which is the last thing you want if you have PCOD. Therefore make sure you only have healthy foods and drinks in your pcos diet chart or diet plan for pcos. 

2. Fried Foods

fried foods

Inflammation is one of the symptoms of pcos and consuming fried foods can only make it worse. Not only this but fried foods can also increase the cholesterol and fat levels in the body which will eventually lead to weight gain.

Fried foods are really bad for your blood sugars as well. If consumed for a long time they can cause insulin resistance in the body, which is definitely not good if you are suffering from PCOS. Some examples of fried foods which should never be a part of your pcos diet chart or diet plan for pcos are:

  • Fries
  • Burger Patty
  • Fried Chips
  • Fried Chicken
  • Fried Fish

3. Caffeinated Drinks

caffienated drinks

Too much caffeine is not good for PCOS. This is because consuming too much coffee can cause induce anxiety and stress which can then interfere with the insulin levels in the body.

If there is too much stress hormone in the body (cortisol) it can cause your blood sugar levels to rise and cause insulin spikes in the body. Moreover, coffee can also act as a diuretic by losing various water-soluble vitamins such as B2, B5, and B6 which are necessary to control weight.  You can add drinks other than coffee such as healthy vegetable juices to your pcos diet chart.

4. Processed Meat

processed meat

Processed meat is full of unhealthy fats and can cause cholesterol to build up in the body. Just like fried foods, processed meats can also cause or worsen inflammation in the body. Therefore, stay away from processed meat and look for other healthier alternatives to add to your pcos diet chart.

5. Unhealthy Fats

unhealthy fats

There are two types of fats, namely good fats and bad fats. The good fats ensure good cardiovascular health whereas the bad fats make you go to the ER and there is a reason behind it.

Consumption of unhealthy fats can increase the estrogen production in the body which can make your PCOS symptoms a lot worse. Therefore, it is important for you to stay away from unhealthy fats and add healthy fats to your pcos diet chart.

6. Foods High In Salt and Sugar

Foods High In Salt and Sugar

Foods that are high in salt and sugar are your worse enemies when it comes to PCOS. These foods include cakes, pastries, chips, fries, and any kind of processed meat.

Foods high in sugar will cause high blood sugar levels and foods high in salt will cause high blood pressure. Prolonged consumption of foods high in salt and sugar can also cause conditions like Type 2 Diabetes.  Always make sure to pick and add foods that are low in salt and sugar to your pcos diet chart.

Why Is It Important To Follow a PCOS Diet Chart To Lose Weight?

When it comes to any health condition following a healthy diet can help you manage it a lot better. The same applies to PCOS. By following a Pcos diet chart you are making smarter choices when it comes to eating and this will eventually help you to deal with the condition in a better way.

Here is why it is important to follow a PCOS Diet Chart

1. Manage PCOS

In PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) women suffer from irregular periods, too much androgen in the body, and cysts in the ovaries. By following a pcos diet chart you can deal with these problems. Foods in a pcos diet chart such as leafy greens and fruits reduce the inflammation in the body and also help to regulate blood sugar levels which is really important for PCOS. You can also add other fibrous foods to your pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

2. Managing Insulin Levels

Insulin plays a crucial role in managing the blood sugar levels. In PCOS, women suffer from insulin resistance which causes high blood sugar levels. Following a pcos diet chart which has a lot of vegetables and other fibrous foods can help with this issue. You can also follow a pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

3. Managing Weight

In PCOS women also experience weight gain. Unhealthy eating habits can make this worse, therefore, it is really important to pick the right foods and make a pcos diet chart or follow a pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

Recipes – Diet Plan for PCOS

Managing PCOS is also possible with the help of various healthy and delicious recipes. These recipes are made with healthy ingredients which have a lot of nutritional value. You can add these pcos recipes to your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

1. Instant Pot Chicken Noodle Soup 

Who does not love chicken soup? It tastes absolutely delicious and is filled with tons of nutrients. This recipe is filled with spices that have anti-inflammatory properties and are good for immunity. It’s easy and takes really less time to make. Make sure to add this recipe to your pcos diet chart. 

2. Mexican Chopped Salad

If you are a fan of Mexican food then you are at the right place. This salad packs a lot of flavors and nutrients as well. This recipe has all the best vegetables have to offer and can be made within minutes. You won’t regret adding it to your pcos diet chart. 

3. Grilled Vegetable Wrap with Balsamic Mayo

This is a gluten-free recipe that will surely satisfy your taste buds. It has a unique flavor and loads of nutrients as well.  You can add this recipe to your pcos diet chart or pcos diet plan to lose weight. 

Expert Review – PCOD/PCOS Diet Chart

If you are suffering from PCOD or PCOS consuming the right foods can make a lot of difference and help you to manage the condition a lot better. Foods such as leafy greens, and low-GI fruits are great for PCOS and PCOD. To make sure your condition does not get worse stay away from fried foods, caffeinated drinks, unhealthy fats, and foods high in salt and sugar. For best results, you can follow a pcos diet chart or a diet plan for pcos which will give you a clear idea of what to eat and when to eat.


Which food is best for PCOD?

There are many foods that can help you to manage PCOD such as leafy greens, fishes rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and fruits that have a low glycemic index.

Can I eat milk in PCOD?

One can have milk in PCOD but only up to a limit because excess consumption of milk can increase your blood sugar levels.

How to lose weight fast in PCOD?

The best way to lose weight in PCOD will be to make smart lifestyle choices such as eating healthy and exercising. Healthy eating habits such as – eating foods rich in fiber, avoiding unhealthy foods, and eating good amounts of protein can help you to lose weight.

Is Curd good for PCOS?

Curd has anti-inflammatory properties in it which can be really beneficial in PCOS. It also has probiotics that keep your gut healthy.

Can I eat Paneer in PCOS?

Yes, you can eat panner in PCOS. It is a good source of protein and has a low GI which is favorable for a pcos diet.

What is a PCOS diet chart?

A pcos diet chart is a chart consisting of foods that can help a woman manage pcos. Foods such as leafy greens, fruits, and fatty fish are a part of this diet chart.

Can I make a diet plan for PCOS on my own?

You can make a diet plan for pcos on your own with the help of proper research. However, it is advisable to consult your doctor or nutritionist. 

Is a diet plan for PCOS hard to follow?

A diet plan for pcos can feel hard to follow at first but it will feel normal once you get used to it and start to see results. 

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