15 Yoga Asanas Poses to Help You Lose Weight Fast

yoga for weight loss

Practicing yoga can be really beneficial for your mind and body. It provides the body with a lot of benefits such as improved flexibility, better mood, and even better heart health. In today’s world people have forgotten how practicing yoga can make them more active and productive. You can also practice yoga for weight loss. There are many yoga poses for weight loss you can do at home that can help you in your weight loss journey. This blog will tell you about yoga exercises for weight loss which will help you to lose weight. 

Benefits of Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Although yoga is not similar to aerobic exercise there are certain yoga exercises for weight loss that are hard to do and require a lot of energy and strength. This can help you to burn more calories and help in weight loss. Apart from weight loss, yoga can also improve your body’s metabolism which is also a key factor in weight loss. Another way to increase the metabolism for weight loss is to follow a healthy diet plan. Buy Weight loss Diet Plan 

15 Yoga Poses that Help in Weight Loss

Yoga for weight loss can be effective as there are various yoga exercises for weight loss that can be hard to do as they require a lot of energy and strength which helps the body to burn more calories. You can try these 15 yoga poses for weight loss you can try. 

  • Trikonasana – Triangle pose
  • Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
  • Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose
  • Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog Pose
  • Parivrtta Utkatasana – Twisted Chair pose
  • Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge pose
  • Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation Pose
  • Standing forward bend pose (uttanasana)
  • Upward facing dog pose
  • Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphine Pose)
  • (Boat Pose)Navasana
  • Baddha Konasana – Cobbler Pose
  • Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose

Trikonasana – Triangle pose


Trokonasana is also known as Utthita Trikonasana. Just like other yoga poses for weight loss  It is done to stretch and strengthen your hamstrings, groin, and hips. It can also be a great yoga for weight loss as it requires a lot of strength and energy which can burn more calories in the body. A 7 Days diet plan for weight loss can also help you to lose weight and gain strength. 

How to do it 

Step 1: Stand up straight, your legs apart. The space between your legs should be somewhat larger than the width of your shoulders

Step 2: Inhale. Raise your right hand over your head, straight. The right arm and ear should be parallel.

Step 3: Exhale. Bend your torso to the left at the waist

Step 4:  At the same time, slip your left arm down your left leg until your fingers are at your ankle.
Step 5:  Your right arm should be horizontal at this moment, as your head is angled to the left.
Step 6:  Maintain posture by keeping your knees and elbows straight. Maintain the position for 30 seconds.
Step 7:  Inhale. Straighten your back and stand tall. Rep the position on the opposite side.


1. Trikonasa is a great yoga for weight loss that can enhance the flexibility of your legs. It can also strengthen your hamstrings and groin.

2. Like many yoga asanas for weight loss it can also improve the overall stability of your lower body as it keeps your hips and legs indulged in the pose all the time.

3. It is a good yoga pose for weight loss as it requires strength and energy which will burn more calories and can be the best yoga for weight loss for many. 

Dhanurasana – Bow Pose


This yoga for weight loss has been named after a bow because while doing this pose your body makes the shape of a bow. Like other yoga poses for weight loss, this yoga asana can help to improve flexibility in the body. Did you know yoga can also help to increase height? Read Yoga to increase height

How to do it

Step 1: Lie on your stomach on the floor with your feet apart and in line with your hips. Your arms should be on the side of the body

Step 2: Now fold your knees and talk your hands backward and try to hold your ankles

Step 3: Now lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and backward towards your back.

Step 4: Now look straight ahead and keep the position stable and pay attention to your breathing.

Step 5: Do not overstretch in this pose and keep on breathing in between.


1. Many fat loss yoga exercises for weight loss like this one can make your back and abdominal muscles a lot stronger and can also stimulate the reproductive organs making it one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss. 

2. This can also be a great yoga for weight loss as it requires a lot of strength and energy which will burn more calories from your body. It is one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss for people who are young. 

3. Many yoga exercises for weight loss like this one can also relieve menstrual discomfort in women and can also help with constipation making it one of the best yoga for weight loss for women. 

Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand Pose


Many yoga exercises for weight loss require strength. In this yoga pose the whole body is balanced on the shoulders. It asana helps to maintain physical and mental health just like yoga poses for weight loss and is also known as the queen of asanas.

How to do it

Step 1: With hands by your side lie on your back

Step 2: Now elevate the lower part of the body vertically and put your hands under your hips for support.

Step 3: Your palms, neck, and elbows should support your body weight. Exhale after you complete all the actions.

Step 4: Maintain this position for as long as you feel comfortable.

Step 5: Now return to the starting position bringing your hips down. Do note that while doing this asana do not put excess pressure on your neck.


1. This is one of the best yoga for weight loss for people who have thyroid issues. This yoga for weight loss increases the blood flow to the thyroid area improving thyroid health.

2.  Many yoga exercises for weight loss like this one can also improve the supply of blood to the brain and the scalp which can help in nourishing the hair and improving scalp health.

3. Just like other fat loss yoga poses for weight loss. This asana also increases the supply of blood to the face which can lead to more glowing skin. This is also great yoga for weight loss because of its difficulty and is one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss

Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose

warrior pose yoga

This asana is made up of three words, vira which means courageous, badra means good and asana means posture. This, just like other yoga poses for weight loss helps to make your shoulders, arms, thighs, and muscles of the back a lot stronger. Various fat loss yoga exercises for weight loss like this one also makes you stronger and can be one of the yoga asanas for weight loss for middle-aged people. Low calorie foods combined with yoga can give you the best results

How to do it

Step 1: Your front foot should be bent 90 Degrees forward and your thigh should be parallel to your floor

Step 2: Your knee should be above your ankle. Now pivot your left heel to the floor so your foot makes a 45 Degree angle.

Step 3: Now press your left thighbone to keep your knee straight

Step 4: Now inhale and raise our arms above vertically with palms facing each other. Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax.


1. This yoga for weight loss has a lot of benefits. Doing this asana can make your hamstrings stronger and provide more flexibility to the lower part of the body.

2. Since this fat loss yoga for weight loss is not easy to do, it may increase stamina and muscle endurance making it one of the yoga asanas for weight loss. 

3. A study conducted in 2007 stated that people with osteoarthritis who did virabhadrasana our of other yoga poses for weight loss had more strength and flexibility making it one of the best yoga for weight loss and strength. 

Chaturanga Dandasana – Plank Pose

This yoga for weight loss is done while performing  Surya Namaskar. It is also known as s four-limbed pose or a low plank pose. It requires a decent amount of strength to do.

How to do it

Step 1: In a plank position sit with both your legs and hands pointing forward.

Step 2: Now stretch your heels outwards so you feel pressure on your thighs.

Step 3: Now try to push the flow away from your body and keep the shoulders low.


1. Doing this yoga for weight loss can help with endurance and stability in the lumbar region of the spine.

2. This asana can also help manage stress levels which eventually makes it one of the yoga asanas for weight loss. Another way to lose weight is Intermittent Fasting 

3. Just like many yoga poses for weight loss this yoga can help in improving the strength and flexibility of the body.

Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog Pose

This yoga for weight loss replicates a dog bending forward. This yoga asana has a lot of health benefits and can be practiced by anyone.

How to do it

Step 1: With your arms and legs straight on a yoga mat, extend your hips upwards.

Step 2: Now bring your ears parallel to your arms by bringing your head down and press your heels on the floor.

Step 3: Breathe deeply and stretch your calves and thighs.

Step 4: While doing this yoga asana for weight loss keep your neck relaxed all the time.

Step 5: Now slowly come back to the original position and relax.


1. Just like other yoga poses for weight loss this asana helps with lower high blood pressure as it allows more blood flow to the brain.

2. Just like other yoga asanas for weight loss. Doing this asana on a daily basis can also help with lower back pain and improve overall stability in the body making it the best yoga for weight loss for people with stability issues in the body. 

3. This yoga for weight loss can also help with tendonitis which is an inflammation of the tendons in the body.

Parivrtta Utkatasana – Twisted Chair pose

This yoga for weight loss is great for your calves. Doing this yoga asana requires a lot of leg stability and strength. This can also be one of the yoga asanas for weight loss for you if you are looking to shed some weight. 

How to do it

Step1: Get your body in a chair pose

Step 2: Now press the palms together in front of your chest.

Step 3: Now twist to the right while not moving your left knee forward

Step 4: Keep on breathing while doing this pose

Step 5: Now come back to the original position with your pals together in front of your chest.


1. Just like other yoga poses for weight loss, this can help in improving legs, lower back, and shoulder strength and also improve digestion in the body.

2. Doing this yoga for weight loss can also improve your range of motion and stimulate the heart and abdominal muscles. This is one of the best yoga asanas for weight loss which can be done by people of any age. 

Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose

The first word of this yoga pose means bridge because this asana resembles a bridge. This is great for increasing abdominal and lower back strength.

How to do it

Step 1: Lie on the back of the floor 

Step 2: Now bend both of your knees and make sure your feet are flat on the ground.

Step 3: Keep your hands on the side with your palms facing down.

Step 4: Now while pressing your feet on the floor, lift your hips and lower body off the floor.

Step 5: Now lift your chest up by pressing your arms against the floor.

Step 6: Hold this position for a few seconds and relax


1. This yoga for weight loss stretches the lower back improving its flexibility and stability.

2. This yoga for weight loss can also in strengthening the muscle of the hips and calves and can also help with tennis elbow.

Surya Namaskara – Sun Salutation Pose

This is one of the most done yoga poses. It comes under the sequence of the 12 powerful yoga poses. This yoga for weight loss is also a great cardiovascular exercise and has a positive impact on the mind and the body.

How to do it

Step 1: Stand straight with your legs evenly apart and expand your shoulders and chest

Step 2: Now lift both your arms up from the sides and as you exhale bring your palms in together in front of your chest again.

Step 3: Noe lift your arms up and back keeping your biceps close to the ears.

Step 4: Now while breathing out bend forward while keeping your spine erect. Exhale and bring your hands to the side of your feet.

Step 5: Now while breathing in push your right leg back and touch the floor with your right knee.

Step 6: Now as you breathe in take your left leg back and keep your body in a straight line.

Step 7: Touch both of your knees on the floor and exhale and lift your hips back slightly your chest should be touching the floor and your arms should be on the sides of your shoulders.

Step 8: Now with your lower body touching the ground lift your chest up

Step 9: Now lift your hips and tailbone up making a V pose

Step 10: Now touch the ground with your left knee and keep the other knee parallel to the shoulder.

Step 11: Now bring both feet together and touch your feet with your palms. Now stand straight and raise your hands backward.

Step 12: Now stand straight and relax.


1. This can be the best yoga for weight loss for many as it takes a lot of strength and energy to do which can help burn calories. Weight gain causes a fat belly which can be hard to get rid of here is How to Reduce Belly Fat

2. This asana is great for cardiovascular health and helps in stretching the muscles.

3. This yoga for weight loss helps to make the immune system stronger and can aid cognitive functions. T he best time to do this fat loss yoga is in the morning. 

Standing Forward Bend Pose (Uttanasana)

This is one of the parts of the sun salutation sequence. It is great for your hamstrings and calves and improves the overall flexibility of the body.

How to do it

Step 1: Before doing this yoga pose make a mountain pose

Step 2: Raise your arms and hinge your hips backward

Step 3: Now lower your upper body and keep your palms close to your feet.

Step 4: Keep your hips over your heels and let your head hang while keeping your neck relaxed.

Step 5: Keep on breathing evenly while doing this yoga pose.


1. This fat loss yoga for weight loss helps to stretch the legs and spine. It can also help to make the legs and things stronger.

2.. This yoga for weight loss is great at calming the mind and balancing the nervous system. Read How to Increase Height Naturally

Upward Facing Dog Pose

This fat loss yoga pose involves bending backward and can help to strengthen the arms and the lower back.

How to do it 

Step 1: Make a table pose and then lower the hips towards the floor.

Step 2: Now press your chest forward by dropping the shoulders back and try to look up.

Step 3: Now stretch your ankles and stretch your keep your entire legs in contact with the floor.

Step 4: Hold this position for a few seconds and relax.


1. This fat loss yoga for weight loss can help strengthen the whole body and help open the chest as well.

3. This can also help to stretch your back and make your elbows stronger.

4. It helps in aligning the spine.

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose)

Also known as a puppy pose this yoga for weight loss can help you to strengthen your arms and legs and improve the overall stability of the body.

How to do it

Step 1: Get down on your knees and hands.

Step 2. Now put your forearms on the floor and ensure that your shoulders are parallel to each other.

Step 3: Now try to raise your back and legs straight.

Step 4: Make sure your shoulder blades do not move that much and are firm.

Step 5: Walk toward your arms

Step 6: Hold the position for 30-60 seconds and then relax


1. This yoga for weight loss helps to calm your mind and strengthen your arms, legs, and shoulders.

2. Many yoga poses for weight loss like this one help to reduce menstrual discomfort

3. It can also help with osteoporosis and give strength to your bones.

(Boat Pose)Navasana

This yoga for weight loss can help make the core of your body stranger and also improve digestion.

How to do it

Step 1: sit on the floor with your knees bent and place your hands behind your knees and lift your chest up.

Step 2: Lift your lower belly up by engaging your inner thighs.

Step 3: Now sit on your hips and bring make your arms parallel to the floor.

Step 4: Hold this position for a few seconds and then relax.


1. Doing this yoga for weight loss can help in improving the stability and core of the body and also aid digestion.

2. It can also help to strengthen your hamstrings and stimulate your kidney and prostate glands.

Baddha Konasana – Cobbler Pose

This yoga for weight loss can be done by anyone as it is really easy to use. It is a basic stretch that can help relax your body and provide flexibility to your legs and hamstrings.

How to do

Step 1: With your knees bent bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall on either side.

Step 2: Keep your feet close to the body.

Step 3: Now try to touch the floor with your knees.

Step 4: Keep your spine straight while doing this pose. Do this pose for a few seconds and then relax and repeat.


1. Although this cannot be considered for weight loss it can still provide a lot of stretch to your hamstrings and provide flexibility to the lower part of your body.

Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose

Bhujangasas derived its name from the word bhujanga which means snake. This pose is also a part of Surya Namaskar and is great for your lower back can be one of the best yoga for weight loss for many. 

How to do it

Step 1: Lie down on your abdomen on the floor with your legs and feet together.

Step 2: Keep your palms on the side of your chest.

Step 3: Keep your elbows pointing up and tucked toward the body

Step 4: Now slowly raise your head and chest off the floor.

Step 5: Hold this pose for a few seconds and relax.


1. Doing this yoga pose can help to improve blood circulation in the body and maintain hormonal balance.

2. This yoga for weight loss can also help to strengthen your spine and provide a good stretch to your lower back.

Some Other Tips To Remember While Doing These Yoga Poses

While anyone can do these yoga poses to get various health benefits there are some tips one must follow.

1. If you have any injury on any part of the body then avoid yoga poses which puts pressure on that part. This way you will reduce the chances of your injury getting worse.

2. Breathe properly while doing yoga poses for weight loss this will ensure the proper circulation of oxygen in the body and give you more alertness and strength while practicing yoga.

3. Always make sure you are in a comfortable position before doing yoga poses for weight loss. This will make sure that you have a strong base which will make doing yoga poses a lot easier.

4. Avoid doing yoga poses for weight loss on a heavy stomach. Yoga asanas for weight loss are best practiced before consuming any meal.


Can yoga help in weight loss?

Yoga asanas for weight loss can help you with managing stress and reducing emotional eating which eventually can help in weight loss.

How much weight you can lose by doing yoga?

How much weight you lose doing fat loss yoga will also depend on what kind of lifestyle you have. Combining yoga with a healthy diet and exercise can help you to lose weight.

How often should you practice yoga to lose weight?

You can practice fat loss yoga on a daily basis to help with weight loss. Yoga can also improve the overall strength and flexibility of the body.

How many times a week should I do yoga to lose weight?

You can practice yoga daily if your body allows it. Combining it with healthy eating can help you to lose weight.

How quickly does yoga change your body?

It can take about 6-12 weeks of consistent yoga to see some changes in your body. However, it can be different for each individual

Is yoga more effective in weight loss than gym?

Yoga can help in weight loss and improve the flexibility of the body but going to the gym is more effective for weight loss as weight training and various aerobic exercises help you to burn more calories compared to yoga.

When is the best time to do yoga for weight loss?

The best time to do yoga is in the morning as it helps to boost your metabolism which can help in weight loss.

Which yoga pose is best for weight loss?

There are certain yoga poses that are harder to do compared to others and can help you burn more calories and eventually lose weight. Yoga poses like Chaturanga Dandasana and Trikonasana can help you to lose weight and can be the best yoga for weight loss for many. 

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